Dumps for Trump Dog Waste Bags

Today marks just one week until the first presidential primary of 2024 -- Iowa will caucus next week on January 15th. Can you believe that voting for Trump is still even an option? And that he's leading is some polls? It's like an unending national nightmare. So we will continue to share anti-Trump gear for the sane among us. 

100 Reasons Why Donald Trump Is A Great President Paperback

This is a great gift to 1. enrage your Democrat friends briefly before 2. making them laugh uncontrolably. You guessed it -- this book is full of blank pages. After the laughter has died down, this funny "pro-Trump" book is perfect for regifting to folks from all...

Funny Ketchup Anti-Trump Embroidered Baseball Cap

Ketchup, dripping from the walls of the White House. What a baby, throwing tantrums and food.  This is a red baseball cap with a political message, but not the one you might expect. The embroidered text reads simply KETCHUP in all caps. The slogan evokes the childish behavior...

Rolls and Rolls of Donald Trump Toilet Paper

Unfortunately we're still talking about this asshole. Speaking of assholes, here's a collection of the traditional, obligatory anti-presidential product featuring the orange menace. Although I'm not sure how close I'd want a repeating image of the raging cheeto to get to my body. These are marketed as...

He Lost Anti-Trump You're In a Cult Long Sleeve T-Shirt

This Anti-Trump design uses the logo style of his failed campaign to turn around the message. He Lost. The full text inside the star spangled box reads: No, really. He Lost & you're in a cult.   The maddening cult of Trump continues to haunt our nation, just like their orange leader. He...