"Be a Kind Human" Jersey Shirt: A Simple Message for a Better World

Gratis Knuffels Dutch Free Hugs T-Shirt

On April 19th we celebrate Dutch-American Friendship Day. The date commemorates the date John Adams became the first U.S. ambassador to the Netherlands in 1782. We have celebrated this relationship since 1982 when President Ronald Reagan designated the date. On this day we are sharing a fun t-shirt that...

Spread Positive Voter Messages with Sticky Notes in Public Spaces

Sometimes, it’s the smallest gestures that make the biggest impact. Using Post-it notes or sticky notes to get out the vote and leave positive messages in public places—like restrooms, stores, or community boards—is a creative and uplifting way to brighten someone’s day. These quick, handwritten notes can inspire...

2021 Calendar Suggestions for Progressives & Democrats

After this exhausting year, we're all looking forward to 2021. Get ready to ring in the new year with a new calendar. A themed wall calendar with a new image and message for each month of the year is a great way to keep track of appointments and...

Fun Novelty Political & Movement Sunglasses

Wear your political activism on your eyes with these fun novelty sunglasses. The novelty glasses feature bold messages or images and can be customized further to suit your needs. These glasses are fun to wear at rallies, during parades, party photo ops, and while working to get the...