Pre-Order Amanda Gorman Poetry Books

Amanda Gorman, our 2017 National Youth Poet Laureate, was a breakout star at yesterday's presidential inauguration event. At 22, she was the youngest poet to read at any presidential inauguration, and she almost stole the show with her reading of her phenomenal poem "The Hill We Climb". The young author has two titles to be published in September 2021, both available for pre-order on Amazon.

The Hill We Climb: Poems by Amanda Gorman

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This poetry collection by Amanda Gorman is named after the famous work she read at President Biden's inauguration. The hardcover book, linked here, will have 80 pages. 

Change Sings: A Children's Anthem

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This is a 32-page illustrated children's book written by Amanda Gorman and illustrated by Loren Long. The book is intended for readers aged 4 to 8 years and at a reading level from preschool to third grade.

Periodic Table of Presidential Elections Awesome Educational Poster

This poster, done in the style of a periodic table, is chock-full of presidential election information. The data is divided into six different eras -- beginning with the Founders and George Washington.  The Periodic Table of Presidential Elections poster has been updated to include the 2020 election;...

Affordable Pocket Constitution Pamphlet

Carry the important documents that represent the supreme law of the United States with this affordable Constitution pamphlet. The pocket-sized booklet has 52 pages and measures about 6" tall, making it handy and portable, easy to keep with you and at your fingertips. The pocket booklet includes...

Orwell's 1984: Extremely Relevant

If you have read this before, it might be time to take another look. And if you've never read George Orwell's classic 1984, now is certainly the time. You won't believe the similarities you'll find between what you're seeing on the news and what you're reading in...